Afinal o «ti marciano», quando era presidente da REP, fazia mais que os morcões dos paulimpos, ele trabalhava pelo radioamadorismo português federado na IARU ... Ao contrário do CT1EAT, que ainda quer é fazer outra UAPR ... em Portugal.
Esta é a cópia de uma carta que o CT1XI, enviou para o K1ZZ da IARU, onde ele esclarecia a situação da REP em Portugal, em Março de 2001.
Dear David Sumner, K1ZZ Secretary, IARU
We thank you for informing REP and we apologise for our late answer, but this Board has been in office and started working for REP about two weeks ago.
The URA matters, or more generally speaking the Azores and Madeira matters, are indeed complex, because they result essentially from the lack of structural measures and from the failure by REP to abide by the IARU rules during the last 15 to 20 years.
Before the revolution of 25 April 1974, REP was the only national amateur radio society in Portugal. It was created in 1926 and has been a IARU member society since 1933. REP membership was compulsory for all Portuguese amateurs until 1974.
After 1975 the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic gave the Portuguese citizens the right of free association.
REP has never been able to organise itself into a national confederation of the new amateur radio societies created meanwhile. There are (on paper) more than 50 Amateur Radio societies in Portugal, but only 5 of them are sustainable from the economical point of view and as far as the number of their members is concerned. They are active but their members range from about 10, 50 or 250.
REP always included these societies and their individual amateurs among its (individual or collective) members. Thus the other societies' members are REP members as well.
In the federative context of IARU, the REP QSL bureau represents all the Portuguese amateurs and amateur societies that are its members. They use the REP bureau to get and to send their QSL cards.
However, only about 30% of the amateurs licensed by the Portuguese Telecommunication Administration (ICP - Instituto das Comunicações de Portugal) are REP members.
As a consequence, REP has been paying IARU an annual fee that includes about 70% of amateurs who are not its members.
In the year 2000 REP only paid IARU the fee corresponding to its members. Formally only about 1,000 Portuguese amateurs are IARU members, because they are the only ones who were willing to pay the IARU fee for the year 2000 and therefore the only ones who have the right to use the QSL bureau (against a low fee per card).
On the other hand, the regional amateur radio societies in the Azores and Madeira archipelagos (which like other regions are part of Portugal) did never agree to pay REP either a fee proportional to their local members or the IARU fee due for each of their members.
Since the above mentioned local amateurs and societies do not pay their annual IARU fee or their proportional REP fee, REP does not consider them as its members and was thus obliged to implement IARU Resolutions 85‑6, 85‑8 and 85‑9. However, REP is now urgently implementing Resolution 95‑3 with the aim of creating a federative scheme in Portugal in the context of which all local amateur radio societies would be IARU members, as it is happening in France or Spain.
The new REP Board considers that REP was not able to follow in the past the evolution of the European IARU member societies and therefore must recover today from about 20 wasted years.
REP considers it unfair for only about 1,500 Portuguese amateurs to pay an annual IARU fee corresponding to about 6,500 amateurs licensed by the Portuguese Administration.
This is, in our view, the fundamental question of REP and Portugal in the context of IARU. The Portuguese radio amateurs must choose freely whether or not they want to be IARU members.
The Azores and Madeira amateurs do not want to help bear the REP and IARU structural costs.
They have chosen not to join the federative context of IARU and the European Union member societies.
Their societies consider they have the civic right of demanding from IARU the services they have not helped to bear during over 20 years. This is an important social and structural issue that the Portuguese Constitution obliges us to respect in an absolute equality of civic duties and rights. And nothing more than that.
REP has therefore implemented in 2001: 1) the provisions of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic; and 2) IARU Resolution 93‑3. REP is structuring a new society model for Portugal according to which the non‑REP and IARU members are not entitled to use IARU services (Resolution 85‑9).
We do hope our friends in the Azores and Madeira amateur radio societies understand this fundamental right and duty of free citizens of a democratic country in the 21st century.
For the whole IARU world structure it would be unsustainable if REP and all the other member societies would not operate this way. Therefore the above mentioned resolutions exist, but unfortunately during more than 15 years the previous REP Boards either were not able or did not want to implement them in Portugal.
Best regards The REP Board
Mariano Gonçalves – CT1XI (president) (...) Por isso o «ti marciano» lutou para que todas as associações tivessem acesso igual à IARU, mas deixando a REP de sustentar os xulos do QSL do GPDX e seus morcões acólitos, como o CT1BOH, que não pagava quotas na REP fazia mais de 6 anos, e todos os meses enviava milhares de QSL, através do seu (dele) QSL Manager, vejam bem, o CT1AHU, o «murteira nabo» do QSL da REP. CONCLUSÃO: Quando o XI tirou a chave do QSL e da sede da REP ao «murteira nabo» CT1AHU, ele foi logo corrido pelos gajos do GPDX. O XI foi um grande nabo, devia ter ficado calado !
Mas o #######, ####### ou ###### sabe por acaso que a loja do ti-marciano está instalada numa escola primaria ou não ? Pudera com tantos putos é o sitio indicado ou será que esta carapuça também lhe serve ?
(Nota da Administração do FORUM : as palavras com ##### foram censuradas pelos Anarquistas, pois não toleramos calão de frequentadores do Casal Ventoso)
O David Sumner, K1ZZ quando recebeu a carta disse para ele próprio "... this guy the CT Marciano is a real pain in the ass well let me archive one more time his letters in my special litter storage container..."
Oh 'Zé do Montijo' o cheiro do fertilizante aqui da Quimigal deixou-te atrofiado ou que ? Então tu não les na carta que ele denunciou os podres duma associação que deveria ser acarinhada ?
Ó miguelito, obrigado pelos #######, ####### ou ###### , o mesmo para ti e à tua famelga, que não têm culpa. Prefiro pisar caca de cão no meio das ruas de Lisboa, do que pisar a trampa dos dirigentes da REPE e os seus supporters.
É pá, para a proxima, traduzam as cartas, não as ponham aqui sem ser em Portugues, a ver se o Miguel percebe o que lá está escrito, o problema é que esta, mesmo traduzida, ainda tinham que lhe explicar bem o conteudo porque ele não atinge ...